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Dewatering System Designed To Treat Grease Trap Waste
The city of Sheridan, WY did not have a grease trap disposal facility & local restaurant grease traps overflowed into the city sewer. See how ALAR helped!
Sierra Septic's Use of Auto-Vac Rotary Drum Precoat Filter Helps Turn a Profit
Learn how ALAR helped Dean Trevaskis pumps & hauls commercial grease trap, residential septic& portable toilet near the Sierra Nevada Mountains in CA.
Vacuum Drum Dewatering Filter Replaces Filter Press in Oilfield Operation
Learn how ALAR helped a total disposal recovery operation on a North Dakota oilfield as they took in & processed oilfield tank bottoms, cutting fluids & DAF sludge.
A Novel Treatment System to Remove Phosphorous from Liquid Manure
Lowering the phosphorus (P) content of animal manure is one approach of addressing concerns over surplus P accumulation in soils resulting from land application of animal manure. In this study, the author sought to develop a treatment system for liquid manures that conserves manure nitrogen while removing most of the manure.
Wastewater Treatment Equipment Providing Compliance & Cost Saving Solutions
America’s economic growth is expanding commercial production and manufacturing.
5 Benefits of the Auto-Vac™ Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter (RVDF)
Why settle with conventional wastewater equipment when the ALAR Auto-Vac® is a cost-effective solution to regulatory discharge and solids disposal compliance?
ALAR Rental Equipment
ALAR, a leader in industrial wastewater treatment, is the first company you should contact.
Treatment & Removal of Hexavalent Chrome & Other Heavy Metals
Managing industrial wastewater treatment equipment often takes a back seat to production equipment.
Treating & Filtering Food & Dairy Wastewater
The solution for food and dairy wastewater is dependent upon: Location/Regulations; Volume of Wastewater; Percent Solid Content by Weight; and Disposal Issues (TSS, FOG, pH, COD, TDS).
Removing Phosphorus from Liquid Manure
The paper discusses evaluated components of sequential manure filtration systems, including liquid-solid separation, chemical treatment, and supplemental stages.