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How To Treat Industrial Wastewater

Aug 02, 2016

Industrial wastewater is a moving target; no two waste streams are alike. ALAR understands the difference and uses its chemical; engineering and technological expertise to deliver results that work.

Removal of solid contaminants such as TSSFOG, and Metals from industrial wastewater involves a two-step separation process: Chemical Separation and Mechanical Separation.

The first step, Chemical Separation, breaks the solids and liquids apart by adding chemical pre-treatment such as pH adjusters, polymers or clays. The second step, Mechanical Separation, physically removes the precipitated solid particles from the sludge through filtration.

In many cases, acid is added to shock the pH and separate the solids from the water. Then alkaline treatment raises the pH in order to precipitate any metals and neutralize the water. In some cases, a dose of polymer is used to break emulsions and increase the particle size so the solids fall out of solution. The sludge should remain agitated during the entire procedure to maintain an equalized liquid for a homogeneous filtration.

After completing the chemical separation stage, the treated wastewater is ready for mechanical separation. An ALAR Auto-Vac, Micro-Klean, or Slurry-Klean is an excellent filtration choice for industrial wastewater applications.

The treated wastewater is pumped to the mechanical filter of choice where dry solids are produced for landfill and clean (non-potable) water is sent to the city sewer or recycled.

Which treatment and filter is best suited for your industrial wastewater application?


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