Automatic Filter Press
Aug 02, 2016
ALAR's Slurry-Klean™ is an economical compact plate-n-frame filter press with the ability to filter and purge automatically; providing continuous operation with minimal labor. The small footprint and simple utility requirements make the Slurry-Klean™ a portable system capable of handling a variety of process waters.
The Slurry-Klean™ provides an innovative solution for small batch operations and companies that cut, drill, or grind concrete; best suited for cured or inactive concrete slurry water recycling.
Traditional methods of dumping slurry onto the ground are not acceptable; dumping into storm drains is illegal. The Slurry-Klean™ replaces costly high-maintenance pit, drum and tote systems where the operator dumps, settles and hauls the sludge so the semi-clean gray water can be recycled. A Slurry-Klean™ system is cheaper than hauling, uses less labor, generates cleaner water, and enhances sustainability and environmental stewardship.
The Slurry-Klean™ is made in the USA with easy access universal parts and 40-years of ALAR Engineering experience.