Latest News
What Is PFAS Destruction?
PFAS destruction is a process where specialized electrodes lead to direct and indirect oxidation of PFAS that will break the bonds into harmless biproducts.
Hornady MFG Company - 2023 Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award
We are thrilled to announce that Hornady Mfg Company has been honored with the prestigious 2023 Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award by members of the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Award & Recognitions Community.
Ovivo Acquires Industrial Wastewater Solutions Provider Alar
Ovivo Inc. (“Ovivo”), a global provider of water and wastewater treatment equipment, technology and systems, is pleased to announce the acquisition of the businesses of Alar Engineering Corporation, Alar Chemical Sales Inc. and Alar Leasing Inc. (together referred as “ALAR”).
COVID-19 Update
ALAR continues to work with its vendors, suppliers, logistics partners & nationwide warehouses to maximize inventory of product, parts, & materials of construction.
Successful ALAR commissioning in Melbourne, Australia
In 2017, a latex paint manufacturer in Melbourne, Australia constructed an in-house wastewater treatment facility to offset hauling costs.
ALAR Water Treatment Keeps Corrugated Company in Compliance
A west coast packaging company experienced problems with their existing flexographic ink wastewater treatment equipment.
Paint Manufacturer Removes Solids from Resin Wash Water
A major Automotive Paint Manufacturer contacted ALAR regarding a paint wash water problem.
Food Manufacturer Solves TSS & BOD Wastewater Problem
Learn how ALAR helped a Midwest food manufacturer with BOD & TSS discharge compliance after expanding their operation to incorporate a children's snack product line.
Spragues’ Closed Loop Recycling Equipment
The Auto-Vac® AV-640 dewaters cement slurry fines & color from the LRS Reclaimer, producing dry solids & clean water for California’s Spragues’ Ready Mix (SRM).
Gates Rubber Solves Metal Wastewater Problem
The manufacturing branch of Gates Rubber Company, located in the small town of Versailles, Missouri, has a zinc plating and chromating process. Gates decided to investigate ALAR and the Auto-Vac® filtration system.