Sludge Dewatering Equipment & Pretreatment
Worldwide commercial production and manufacturing increases the levels of industrial liquid waste hauling. ALAR Water Treatment provides a full line of industrial wastewater pretreatment, chemical and mechanical dewatering filter solutions. Industrial water pollution control is becoming a top priority. Governments worldwide, fueled by growing public pressure, are tightening municipal discharge and landfill disposal regulations.
Environmental agencies enforce these regulatory laws that restrict industrial discharge of untreated wastewater that contain metals, oil and grease, suspended solids and other pollutants into local sanitary sewers, wastewater treatment plants, or on land. ALAR Water Treatment is a direct-manufacturer of chemical treatment and mechanical dewatering equipment for the Liquid Waste Hauling Industry.
Compliance Solutions
A wide variety of industrial liquid waste transportation operations are regulated by effluent guidelines that cover wastewater discharge. The wastewater pumped and hauled by these companies is often brought to an industrial waste disposal facility, chemically pretreated, and discharged directly to surface waters or indirectly to surface water through Publicly Operated Treatment Works (POTW’s). Oftentimes the wastewater disposal process includes mechanical liquid-solid separation technologies such as sludge dewatering filters.
Environmental regulatory agencies established pretreatment programs in order for municipalities to perform permitting, administrative and enforcement tasks. These programs are designed to protect the POTW’s infrastructure and reduce toxic pollutant levels of wastewater discharged by the oil and gas industry into municipal sewer systems and the environment.
The characteristics of industrial liquid waste vary considerably. To comply with effluent guidelines, a liquid waste disposal facility needs to review the category of wastewater pollutants discharged, the wastewater treatment technologies needed, and management techniques used to control these discharges (including landfill disposal).
ALAR Water Treatment designs and builds proven wastewater treatment systems that produce cost effective results and environmental compliance. ALAR provides access to a full line of continuous flow or batch chemical pretreatment, mechanical liquid-solid separation, and sludge dewatering equipment. Let ALAR guide your industrial treatment facility in determining which method offers the best solution. For more information regarding our sludge dewatering equipment contact us today.

ALAR manufactures industrial wastewater treatment equipment for worldwide distribution.
Industrial liquid waste is a moving target; no two waste streams are alike. ALAR understands the difference and uses its chemical, engineering and technological expertise to deliver results that work.
Responsible industrial wastewater management makes the difference between regulatory compliance and non-compliance. ALAR offers a variety of mechanical and chemical pretreatment systems that allow customers to make an educated decision.
ALAR Provides Wastewater Equipment Solutions for Industrial Liquid Waste Haulers:
Companies managing the pretreatment and disposal of liquid waste require the best available technology. They achieve compliance by meeting the standard limit category of regulated effluent discharge pollutants such as TSS, FOG, Metals and BOD. Some liquid waste industry applications include:
- Pumper Industry: Greasetrap Dewatering
- Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF) Sludge Dewatering
- Oilfield Industry: Total Disposal Recovery (TDR) Dewatering Operations
- Automotive Antifreeze Hauling and Recycling Operations
- Water-Based Ink, Latex Paint and Metal Finishing Industrial Wastewater
...Along with industrial liquid waste from several operations that have their wastewater pumped and hauled away
ALAR designs each system to meet the customer's build-to specifications. ALAR begins with stock layouts, and customizes the auxiliary equipment according to the customer's specifications.
These stock layouts are available in PDF format. Contact ALAR for more information.
Case Studies
Sierra Septic's Use of Auto-Vac™ Rotary Drum Precoat Filter Helps Turn a Profit
Learn how Auto-Vac™ was used by Sierra Nevada to turn a profit during a time of increased discharge fees.